Weather Overview
Whenever you decide to visit Brighton you won’t be disappointed, the relaxing atmosphere of this seaside town is presented all year round. Brighton is located in Southeast England, which is known for its changeable weather. You can expect sunny days, overcast skies or rainy days at any time of the year.
What to wear
If you’re visiting Brighton during summer, we recommend to pack dresses, shorts, t-shirts, flip flops and jeans/trousers for colder seasons. During Spring or Autumn, the weather is still lovely for walks in the town or by the beach, but it’s a bit cooler the temperatures can suddenly drop. So it’s advisable to pack some warmer clothes. During winter there is often chill in the air and gets windy, especially by the seafront. Some nights can get very chilly when the cold breezes blow; the days can be much colder although the weather gets milder by warm waters of the British Channel. If you forget to pack something you can find in
Brighton’s shops and boutiques, anything you need and not at all great expense.
What to do in Brighton while you’re here
Brighton & Hove is a perfect getaway, whether it’s during a weekend escaping busy London or a week-long weekend. With so many things to offer including theme parks, a vibrant nightlife,
quirky bars, unique little cafes as well as
a range of accommodation at different prices, Brighton has it all.
During nice weather, you can enjoy the seafront cafes, which are unique and seem to capture the vibrant character of Brighton.
Brighton seafront offers many attractions for families, including
Brighton Palace Pier,
British Airways i360 and a swimming pool and playground for small children. The charming streets of Lanes will welcome you with their unique shops, cafes and restaurants. Brighton & Hove host many festivals outdoors and indoors during the year. So there is plenty to do,
when it’s raining or when it’s sunny.